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- TURKFİKS WEB Yayın Tarihi
- WEB Relase Date of TURKFIX
- 25.04.2017 Rev. 00
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- All the information, conception, design, design-works, technical drawings, solid work drawings, photos, other contents, etc. of this Web Site belong to TURKFIX. Therefore, the information, conception, design, design-works, technical drawings, solid work drawings, photos, other contents, etc. can not be coppied, dublicated and used by the third parties without written approval given by TURKFIX. All Rights are reserved.
- Although, we make all the effort to ensure that all the information in our Web Site is accurate, our company is not responsible for the inadvertent and occasional errors or omissions caused by translation, press, edition, publication and video capture.
- We (Our Company) reserve the right to make changes and corrections to any information or material provided in our Web Site at any time without notice.
- All the technical information in our Web Site is only to provide information. Therefore, the product and / or products purchased or supplied through our Web Site are subject to the third parties’ choices, not to our company.
- Our Company is neither responsible for the inaccurate application, mounting or product choice, nor the changes made on the products, applications and mounting by the third parties.
- Although, we make all the effort to ensure that the technical information in our Web Site is accurate on the date of publication, we do not warrant its accuracy after the date of publication as there may be changes in world wide standards and norms.
- TURKFİKS WEB Yayın Tarihi
- WEB Relase Date of TURKFIX
- 25.04.2017 Rev. 00